Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weird routine

Since i am back in Malaysia, i have been sleeping late. Real late! Almost like 4 to 5 am daily. It's unbelievable as i am normally in bed by 10.30pm on weekdays (if i am not on call). I never realise that i will be up for this kind of late night life! Guess what i have been doing since i have been home? Going out or chatting on the phone. First day back, i was out in the mamak stall (indian eatery place) until 6am. Then the following day, i think i was at neway, karaoke spot until 4am. The following day was probably on the phone till about the same time. On the weekend, i went to neway again. The cycle repeats itself the following week.

I seriously have to thank my friends for making things easy for me this time around. I am without a car as my sister owns the car now and well, it's snatched away for the moment. I would have been feeling frustrated if i am forced to stay home because i have no transport. As the old saying goes, friend in need is a friend indeed. (^ ^) Nuff said.

I have been trying to spend time with my family and i think i have grown up. Maybe because i have been living by myself for the past 5 years, i am not used to having my family members keeping track of my activities. It's nice and i appreciate it (oops, i am getting the feeling that i am beginning to be superficial in my words!). I mean i appreciate what my family are doing but at the same time, i am having the uneasy feelings. Moreover, it's not so safe to go home so late in malaysia. Regardless of whatever feelings that i am getting right now, i love my family although my actions might not be showing it out loud.

(-_-)***nobody replaces your own family.


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