Saturday, April 05, 2008

A cellphone lifespan

I think people have always wonder how long can a cellphone last. My ex-sony ericsson's (i just dumped it a day ago!), only lasted 1 year, 8 months and 3 days. It doesn't sound an impressive record, right?

I do realise that i use the phone a lot, but only 20 months old is a pretty short life for a cellphone. My phone died while i was on the phone, chatting....Now it's resting in peace. The good news is i got myself a new PDA cellphone...HTC Touch! It's a cool replacement! Well, if old things don't spoil, i won't get new replacement right?? hehe =D

(-_-)***does talking a lot (exercising mouth muscle) reduce the risk of getting double chin?


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