Thursday, March 15, 2007

Another week

Soon, it's one week past in my first internal medicine rotation in my internship year. I kinda fear of it coming for sometime but i am much prepared for it now, after all, it's towards the end of internship! Can't give the shout of joy yet. There's still 3 more months of rough rotations to go before i can celebrate the completion of my first year. (-_-)***

Well, yesterday was the matching day meaning the day where people got their residency training spots like how i got mine a year ago. As usual, not everyone will get matched or matched to the specialty of their liking. This time around there's one msian chinese girl who got a spot in a 5-year residency program (anesthesia). Yay! At least i know i can see a permanent face around until year 2012 (the year when both of us should graduate).

Yesterday when i was on call, i had a patient who died in a mournful way. She being one of the sicker patients around, started vomiting blood in the midnight and passed away ~5min after that. The saddest and most unfortunate part was her son who was taking a short nap by her bedside witnessed it. Poor soul, he was traumatised. Rest in peace.

One other thing to share; Initially when i heard of an acquaintance getting an end-stage cancer, it didnt really hit me emotionally until i talked to his brother whom i refer as friend. Well, having seen and heard of similar stories "N" times, unless it happens to someone who has bonded with me in certain ways, i don't think I'll be in distraught. Hope that miracles will happen.

(-_-)***Treat everyday as the it's the last day and there'll be no (big) regret.


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