Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cow and water

There's one chinese saying that sounds like "if a cow doesnt want to drink, no one will be able to force it". If one doesnt want get involve in something, ultimately one should be able to avoid it from the begining. Having said that, i am certainly aware that there's always exception in everything.

It could be as simple as being in a diet plan to reach weight target. One could blame on feast after feast that makes one defer it's planning but one definitely has a choice in refusing to indulge in those delicacies. However, things come in difficult when it involves emotion. Human is known to commit silly actions when they have to choose between what they like to do and what they actually should do. I do believe that the values instilled in us since young will make its presence felt when these situation arise. At least i still have faith that it will.

At the end of the day, we just have to remember that every action carries in itself its fruit and its consequences.

(-_-)***Life's fun when it's heading your way but it's bitter when it's not.


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