From TO ?
Well, i have not arrived in Toronto yet! I am still in London (another city which has to be called London in Ontario, Canada!) at bel's place. I had a good sleep after being sleep deprived for 2 nights in a row. Well, i was on call 3 nights ago and the following night was due to the fact that i am in vacation mood!!!! hehe...too excited to go to bed! lol.
It's great to see bel bel and sean again, half a year after they left st.john's. I do miss their presence in st.john's. Yesterday i got to meet ah mong aka CJ (chiew junior) aka bel's baby for the first time! haha. ah bel has a huge belly now at 4 months of gestational age! ah mong will be a super cute and chubby baby. I haven't have the chance to feel it's movement yet! Never mind, i still have 4 more days!
I, have no right to be complaining. I am being pampered again by my credit card insurance company. My luggage is delayed yet again and i have $500 to spend. I spent it all in 2 hours! Well, one has a maximum of $500 to spend until the delayed luggage is being delivered back to "poor owner". It wasn't difficult to shop for $500 worth of necessities! What a good start to my vacation!
(-_-)***...(^ ^)
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