Well, after the past 2 days, I know for sure that 6 winters in St.John's will be more than enough. There's no way i am going to continue staying here after residency! I can't tell you enough how frustrated am i after spending a total of 12 hours waiting for the no-show snow plough and shovelling (~6 hours each!). In the next day or two, i'll detail those moments with pictures to back me up!
Had a good cny party yesterday at isabel and sean's house. As usual, there was unlimited flow of delicious food and attended by the regulars. I actually packed my stuff to for an overnight refuge at their place related to the para above! My bones, muscles and joints are aching all over now!
I was cooking porridge for tonight's dinner and somehow the thoughts of going for a tour with mich and ry brings up this smile in me. I actually can't wait for that even though it'll not arrive until end of 2008! hehe. (o^ ^o) shopping in taiwan or korea sounds fun!
Time to go off to catch-up with my back-up schedule all because of the snow storm!!!!
(-_-)*** : Hate St.John's snow storm!